March 6, 2019
Congratulations to Kyle Golz who placed 1st individually in the Ag Skills Floriculture Contest in Eau Claire!!! The contest consisted of identifying 25 common houseplants as well as completing a written exam on general plant knowledge. Kyle received a plaque for this amazing accomplishment and we are all very proud of him!
Become a Lifeguard!
Location: Unity School District Pool
When: Saturdays and Sundays March 30th-April 20th, must attend all sessions. This will be a blended learning course with 9 hours of learning online and 20 hours of skill work in the pool area.
Cost: $125
Who: Candidates must be 15 and must pass the prerequisite swim tests
Sign up: Sign up through Unity Community Education or see Mrs. Wilhelm for details
Lunch Today: BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches or PBJ/Coleslaw/Corn/Mandarin Oranges
Make it a great day!