Use the search field above to filter by staff name.

Aalyssa Swenson
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant

Aaron Johnson
Special Education Teacher
Ext 2210

Adela Jensen
Food Service

Alex Bates
High School Band Director
High School
Ext 1500

Alexis Lundeen
Leap Assistant
LEAP Child Care Center
Ext 4001

Alexis Stesney-Johnson
Leap Lead
LEAP Child Care Center
Ext 4001

Alicia Brousil
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant

Alison Lawerence
Leap Lead
LEAP Child Care Center
Ext 4001

Alyssa Johnson
High School Counselor
High School
ext 1430

Amanda Massey
Elementary School
Ext 3330

Amanda Siefert
Eagle Care Club Coordinator
Ext 4001/4080

Amanda Warner
Administrative Assistant/Community Education Coordinator
Ext 5010

Amber Johnson
Middle School Counselor
Middle School
Ext 2172

Andrew Steward
High School Math
Ext 1090

Andy Brown
Elementary Counselor
Elementary School
Ext 3150

Ann Blomberg
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Ext 3300

Anna Abraham
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Ext 3310

Anne Sondrol
Educational Assistant/Lifeguard
Educational Assistant
Ext 5605

April Holmstrom
Educational Assistant

Ashleigh Cornelius
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
Ext 3200