
Amanda Warner

715-825-3515 x5010



February 3 - April 30, 2025 - Parents must submit applications online or directly to the nonresident school district.  Applications must be received by 4:00 PM on April 30, 2024.

June 6, 2025 - Nonresident school districts must mail notices of approval or denial. If the application is approved, the school district must notify the parents of the specific school or program to which the pupil is assigned. If the application is denied, parents haver 30 days to file and appeal.

June 13, 2025- Resident districts must notify applicants if the application is denied. If the application is denied, parents have 30 days to fill an appeal.

June 27, 2025 - Parents of accepted applicants must notify the nonresident district if the pupil will attend the nonresident district in the 2023-2024 school year. If the parent fails to make this notification, the nonresident district may refuse to allow the pupil to attend the district.


Open Enrollment Application (February 3- April 30, 2025)

Alternative Open Enrollment Application 2023-2024 School Year Now Open!

Tuition Waiver Due To Move


What is Open Enrollment?

The inter-district public school open enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside.

Who can apply?

Any Wisconsin resident in 4K to grade 12 may apply to attend a nonresident school district under the open enrollment program. However, a child may transfer to a nonresident school district for early childhood education or 4K only if the child’s resident school district offers the same type of program and only if the child is eligible for that program in the resident school district.

When can parents apply?

The regular open enrollment application period for the 2024-2025 school year will begin on February 3, 2025, and end at 4:00 pm on April 30, 2025. For more information regarding open enrollment, please review the brochure for the 2025-2026 school year. The best way to apply is online (a link to the online application is at the top of this page during the application period). Additional information on the regular open enrollment application season can be found on our applications page.

An alternative application procedure allows pupils to apply for open enrollment at any time during a school year if certain criteria are met. For additional information, please visit the alternative application procedures page.

Can applications be denied?

Both the nonresident and resident school districts may deny an application for reasons specified in state law. If an application is denied by either the resident or nonresident school district, the parent may file an appeal with the DPI within 30 days. The DPI is required to affirm the school district’s decision unless the DPI determines that the decision was arbitrary or unreasonable.

For more information appealing a denial, visit our appeals page.

How do students get to school?

Parents are responsible to provide transportation to and from school in the nonresident school district, except that transportation required in a child’s IEP must be provided by the nonresident school district. A nonresident or resident school district is permitted (but not required) to provide transportation to open enrolled pupils, however the nonresident school district is prohibited from picking up or dropping off a pupil within the boundaries of the pupil’s resident school district unless the resident school district agrees. Low-income parents may apply to the DPI for reimbursement of a portion of their transportation costs.

For more information on transportation, visit our transportation page.