February 28, 2019
CTE Students of the day:
Today’s CTE students of the day are Isaah Holden and Myah Nelson . For only have taken a few Tech. Ed. classes so far, Isaah seems to know his way around the shop and is quite comfortable in that sort of setting. He uses the knowledge he has in this area to help fellow classmates who may be struggling or even help students not in his class when it comes to 6th hour Capstone. He’s always looking to improve the knowledge he already has in the areas of Tech. Ed. through hard work and practice. Congratulations Isaah, and please stop by Mr. Lee’s classroom to pick up your prize.
Myah has been an FBLA member for two consecutive years. She is also a state qualifier this year. In addition to Myah’s FBLA contributions, she also challenges herself by taking challenging CTE courses such as Introduction to Business. Congratulations to Myah and please stop by Mrs. Ahlgren’s room to pick-up a prize!
Happenings this week:
Friday: Boys Regional BB - round 2 - @ Colfax
Saturday: High School play: Divine Stella Devine, a play within a play at 7:00 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $5 and can be bought at the show.
Sunday High School Play: 2:00 p.m. doors open at 1:30. Tickets are $5 each, and can be bought at the show.
Meetings this Week:
Lunch Today: Chicken Patty Sandwiches/Green Beans/Fresh Purple Grapes
Make it a great day!