TODAY IS AN A DAYNovember 2, 2018
Notes for Students:
If you happen to pass Ms. Johnson with her therapy dog in the hallway today, please do not approach or pet the dog. Her name is Sophie, she will be wearing a red service vest, and she is working.
Attention Student Council Members, field trip permission slips for the Leadership Summit are due back today to Mrs. Wilhelm.
High School Men's Wrestling Team - sign up during the first seven minutes of Resource on Monday in the Eagle Plaza.
There will be a Student Council meeting on Monday during resource in the Aerobics Room.
Notes for FFA
FFA RODEO TRIP: All permission slips for the FFA rodeo trip are due TODAY. Please hand them in to Mrs Jagielo no later than 3:35pm. Payment can be collected later, but the permission slip will secure your spot on the trip. No tickets will be reserved after today.
FFA members: Fruit sale forms are due by Wednesday, November 14th.
FFA OFFICER MEETING: Every 1st/3rd Wednesday in the ag room during resource.
FFA CHAPTER MEETING: Every 2nd/4th Wednesday in the ag room during resource.
Notes From Mr. Johnson:
The University of Wisconsin - River Falls will be here to visit on Monday, November 5th at 11:30am in the Eagle Plaza.
Food Service Notes
High School Breakfast Eaters: Service ends at 8:20 a.m. and High School students should be eating in the High School cafeteria.
Save Time in the Lunch Line! Take Fruit/Veggies Everyday! You must choose at least ½ cup of fruit, vegetable or a combination of the 2 in order to have a complete meal. This is a requirement of the National School Lunch Program. Be sure to take fruit and/or veggies as you go through the lunch line. If you don’t, you will be sent back to the line to get fruit/veggies. Please be respectful of your lunch staff members and follow their directions.
Food Service Reminder: Students are not allowed to get 2nd helpings or ala carte items on their first trip through the lunch line. If you would like to get extra items, you need to check your account at the computer and make sure you have sufficient funds, then and only then, you may go back to the lunch line for extras or ala carte items.
Lunch Today: Chicken Bite/Broccoli with Cheese Sauce/Soft Pretzel and Pears
Parking Lot Supervision this week:
Mr. Kieckhoefer a.m.
Mr. Lee p.m.
Next week:
Ms. Magnine
Make it a great day!