Monday, April 22, 2019
Congratulations to the ConQUIZtadors on a great season!
Team Points W/L
SCF 1345 11-1
Unity 1020 8-4
Amery 685 4-8
Luck 345 1-11
Boys Basketball – If you plan on playing summer basketball, please get your registration and payment to Coach Fisher, by May 1st.
Unity FFA is looking for milk cans to paint for the state art competition. If you have one that is in decent shape, they are accepting donated cans. They will also pay a fair price if desired. See Natalie Mansheim for more information.
The Osceola Rod and Gun Club – is looking for workers this summer. If interested, please email Mr. Johnson and he will get you the contact information for this position.
A local lawn care business – is looking for summer help. If interested, please reach out to Mr. Johnson for the contact information.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday: Golf @ Voyager Village
Track @ Chetek
Softball/Baseball @ Siren
Thursday: Golf @ Frederic
Track @ SCF
Softball/Baseball vs. Shell Lake (H)
Friday: Golf @ Hayward
Food Service
Lunch Today: Mini Corndogs, Baked Beans, Fresh Oranges
Breakfast Tuesday: Egg/Bacon Bosco Stick
Lunch Tuesday: Orange or Siracha Chicken, Fried Rice, Stir Fry, Veggies, Pineapple, and Fortune Cookie
Save Time in the Lunch Line: Take Fruit/Veggies every day! You must choose at least ½ cup of fruit, vegetable or a combination of the 2 in order to have a complete meal. This is a requirement of the National School Lunch Program. Be sure to take fruit and/or veggies as you go through the lunch line. If you don’t, you will be sent back to the line to get fruit/veggies. Please be respectful of your lunch staff members and follow their directions.
Make it a great day!