Monday, April 15, 2019
Congratulations to the Unity Forensics Team. At Saturday’s State competition in UW-Madison, James, Chloe, Maggie, and Devon received a gold pin at State (which is a perfect score of 25/25) for their play-acting piece. Keenan and Liam both received a silver pin. Keenan did Impromptu Speaking and Liam did a Poetry reading. Please congratulate these students on their awesome achievements!
If you are a Junior or Senior girl interested in signing up to be Milltown Royalty, please come to the office.
Emily’s Question of the Day results: Would you rather be a famous actor or famous musician? Actor – 59 Musician - 27
Blood Drive: Looking to save lives? Don't forget that you need to sign up ahead of time to donate blood as a student. Students 16 years of age need to have a Red Cross Donor Consent form signed by their parent/guardian.
ConQUIZtadors Schedule 2019
April 17th, 12:30 p.m. @ Amery
Volunteers/Community Service Hours are needed – to help clean the Gandy Dancer trail for Earth Day in April. If interested, contact Julia from Julia’s Java. 715-825-5282
YQCA Training Meeting - For all members exhibiting quality meats at the Polk County Fair can attend a meeting during Resource and lunch in the Ag room to receive help with their YQCA training. Bring iPads and have your log in accomplished.
Student Council Meeting – Today during Resource in the Aerobics room. Please attend to work with your spring committee
FFA Officer Meeting: Every 1st/3rd Wednesday in the Ag room during Resource.
FFA Chapter Meeting: Every 2nd/4th Wednesday in the Ag room during Resource. Please be at this important meeting today. We have many important items to discuss along with important announcements!
Upcoming Events
Baseball and Softball are canceled today. No make-up date has been set yet. May 9th will be played as a DH with the first game counted for conference.
Yearbooks - There are only 27 left! Order yours soon! See Mrs. Ahlgren!
Food Service
Lunch Today: Crispy Chicken Fries
Breakfast Tuesday: French Toast Sticks
Lunch Tuesday: Pizza Calzones/Couscous/Cheese Broccoli/Peaches
Save Time in the Lunch Line: Take Fruit/Veggies every day! You must choose at least ½ cup of fruit, vegetable or a combination of the 2 in order to have a complete meal. This is a requirement of the National School Lunch Program. Be sure to take fruit and/or veggies as you go through the lunch line. If you don’t, you will be sent back to the line to get fruit/veggies. Please be respectful of your lunch staff members and follow their directions.
Make it a great day!